Frazier Structural Pallet Racking

Frazier structural pallet racking is made of hot-rolled structural steel with higher load capacity and bolted beams on vertical frames.

Frazier Structural Pallet Racking
Features :
  • Structural steel
  • Reinforced corners
  • Horizontal structure directly installed on the base of the vertical frame
  • Longer product lifespan


Ideal for :

  • Single deep racking
  • Double deep racking
  • Pushback racking
  • Pallet flow racking

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What are the Benefits of a Frazier Structural Pallet Racking System?

Steel structural pallet racking systems offer several notable advantages. They are stronger and more durable, allowing them to better withstand impacts and heavy loads. With the horizontal structure directly attached to the base of the vertical frame, load distribution is optimized, reducing the risk of deformation and damage. This robust design ensures a longer product lifespan, providing a better return on investment. Additionally, these pallet racks suffer less damage from frequent contact and loads, lowering maintenance costs and improving warehouse safety.

What are the Best Applications for Frazier Structural Pallet Racking?

Frazier structural pallet racking systems are highly advantageous in the following situations:


High-rise Storage Systems

When designing a particularly tall racking system, for example above 40 feet, the robust characteristics of Frazier structural pallet racks ensure superior safety for warehouse workers.


High-velocity Storage Systems

Storage systems containing high-velocity products are subject to more damage due to frequent loading and unloading cycles. A Frazier structural pallet rack provides greater impact protection, ensuring increased safety.


Refrigerated or Frozen Storage Systems

Storage systems in temperature-controlled environments are often denser to maximize inventory. The risks of damage are therefore multiplied. Additionally, repair costs in these hostile environments are often higher. This is why investing in a more robust pallet rack system can be a good investment.


Heavy-duty Storage Systems

A more robust Frazier structural pallet rack system is simply ideal when the pallets being stored are particularly heavy. By definition, this type of system requires less reinforcement to guarantee the same capacity as traditional racking types.

Why consider Frazier Structural Pallet Racking System?

The main advantage of Frazier lies in the bold decision the company made 50 years ago to turn to structural steel. Since then, it has highlighted the benefits of its products, including the robustness and durability of this type of steel. Through a design and manufacturing method perfected over the years, Frazier also manages to reduce the overall costs of its structural steel. Their constant innovation, particularly the use of lighter but equally efficient steel, also contributes to this efficiency.

Additionally, the combination of Frazier's improved manufacturing methods and strategic nationwide sourcing helps further reduce the costs of structural pallet racks. Today, structural racking is as cost-effective as cold-formed racking whether it is standard pallet racking or more complex systems.